Network Administration

This document describes the network administration functions necessary for configuring a Bayware network via a web interface. The steps below guide the administrator through the creation of users and subnets.

Step 1. Login

After installing the Controller, access its web interface at Enter default credentials

  • Domain: default
  • User: admin
  • Password: demo-net

Step 2. Configure Technical (or Resource) Users

Select the desired domain from the list under Domain and click the Add user button under Resource Users menu item. The user profile fields are

user login, maximum 30 characters
username, maximum 30 characters
user domain
select domain where user will operate
user status
choose between Enabled and Disabled
user auth method
LocalAuth in local database or LDAPAuth at directory server (inherited from domain authentication type)
select roles for user: hostOwner or switchOwner (inherited from selected domain)
password, repeat password
user password

Created user credentials should be used in switches and host configuration files (see corresponding installation guides).

Step 3. Automatic Host Connection

Add a subnet in the Admin - Subnets section.

Specify all mandatory fields and determine Management Network.

subnet name
name of subnet, maximum 30 characters
subnet description
subnet description, maximum 255 characters
subnet CGA prefix
IPv6 address prefix, consisting of a three-byte, hexadecimal format separated by colons e.g., 01:02:03
primary controller
select primary controller for subnet
secondary controller
select secondary controller for subnet

On the Subnet details page in the Management Network settings, specify a switch to which Bayware-enabled hosts must set up connection.

To automatically create a connection during the host registration procedure, a host’s IP Address must belong to Management IP Subnet.